Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What Does Having A Low Sperm Count Mean Does It Mean That You Have A Low Sperm Count If Your Testicles Look Drained?

Does it mean that you have a low sperm count if your testicles look drained? - what does having a low sperm count mean

My testicles were drained or used more for some time and wondered if that means I have a small number of sperm. I have sex regularly and periodically, but my eyes drained ejulate testi-and not so full. What can I do and what it means?


sam m said...

the actual number of sperm to undergo a medical examination. What the look drained.

The changing dietary habits Discover that have recently taken, and, where appropriate.

♪♫@܆ŬмŇ... said...

Did you go to the doctor and stop Ask Yahoo! Answers to the "test". :) Thank you. :)

RBLee said...

As his balls "look" when they are dehydrated? Are they flat?

Jerry Kenneth Lease said...

Ask your doctor did not ask for a dummy, and you get a stupid answer.

Duh vest hey man leave, since poles

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