Monday, December 28, 2009

Nappy Mat Racism In The World Today? Why Is Nappy And Tar Baby Racist?

Racism in the world today? Why is Nappy and Tar Baby Racist? - nappy mat

Why did he say Imus racist?
Why the term "racist" Tar Baby?
What is your opinion on racism?
Why is white on black racism "bad" black and white racism "OK"?

Imus bother me, because "nappy was" a racist. Why? I have never used the word layers of a racist, it is very curly and tangled or twisted. My hair is down.

Why is it racist tar baby? I saw many places online to find out why this is so bad. I do not understand what it is. There is an element of the fictional story of Brer Rabbit. which means "a situation or problem that is practically impossible to separate, too. - According to, which has become offensive. I want to see why. The only reason why I think it is well known because tar is black. When the baby was Marshmellow whites are offended?

I personally think Imus is an idiot. What he said is stupid. I support any form of racism, but we have freedom of expression. What we do, blame everyone and everything?


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