Friday, February 19, 2010

Pic Of Girls Getting Wedgies Why Am I Always Getting The 2nd Look From Girls? (Pic Included)?

Why am I always getting the 2nd look from girls? (Pic included)? - pic of girls getting wedgies

Everywhere I go ... Go in when the class, working with people, through a drive through food ... I'm still the 2nd, and it is a kind of boring.

Im not ugly, I'm not looking for the "Finest" guy, but I think I am a sexy Monday! LOL! And not only girls, to me a 2nd look good, is for boys, but especially girls. Let me explain as best I can.

In a drive by in a car, and she said: "Hello, how are you?" $ 5.50 please? "She smiled, opened the drawer and looks back and gives me a blank look. I work in a film when I worked at the box office and always saw myself as a girl is someone who works with me. The person came before me and say hello, searchThere's even a second, and I get the same blank look. Also at the bottom of the stairs at school ... Will I be someone watching the whole way down, have, and makes me uncomfortable as hell.

Here is a picture .... Yes, I know it's a funny picture. I really have not many pictures of me.


Anonymous said...

someone is paranoid. only one double take.get to.

Anonymous said...

They do not seem to be unattractive, either hot or angry. My impression is that they are paranoid.

Anonymous said...


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